I figured I’m falling into a trap of re-posting YouTube videos on my site instead of new content (that no one but me reads). Well, we’re a little bit over a week into September. Work, so far is going well. I’ve been busy working on a trending utility with a co-worker of mine. There’s some bugs that have to be worked out, but I hope to get it into beta testing this week. Speaking of this week, it’s a full one for me. I’m only physically going to be in the office on Tuesday (the day of this posting) since Wednesday is my normal remote day. Thursday I’m remote in the morning and then doing a Technology Expo in Rahway in the afternoon and Friday I’m doing Habitat for Humanity. Looking at the month ahead, it’s the high holiday season with Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur just around the block. We also have our quarterly departmental meeting.
The month started off with three disappointments. The first is that my trip to Italy scheduled for October had to be put off since my friend Flavio couldn’t get the time off. The good news is that it’s not canceled, just “postponed” until maybe June. After 18 years, what’s a few more months? Disappointment number two was that someone who was very close to me let me down by first saying he is “80% positive” he’d go on a trip with me to telling me the following day that he doesn’t want to go. Disappointment number three is the same said friend also promised to send me something that he knew I wanted, but in no shortage of words told me that I’m not a priority to him. You can’t have a friendship when it is one way. If he wants to remain friends, he has to give as much as he receives or heck, give something. While I am disappointed in that, it’s up to him to salvage our friendship. If he feels it is important, then he will make an effort. If he feels it isn’t important and not a priority, then I guess we’re no longer friends.
Life goes on