Amendment XXVIII–Congressional Term Limits, My Proposal

Section 1: Term Limits for Members of Congress

No person shall be elected or appointed to the United States Senate for more than two consecutive terms. Upon completing two consecutive terms, a person shall be ineligible for re-election or appointment to the Senate until at least two terms have passed since their last term in office.

No person shall be elected or appointed to the United States House of Representatives for more than six consecutive terms. Upon completing six consecutive terms, a person shall be ineligible for re-election or appointment to the House of Representatives until at least six terms have passed since their last term in office.

Section 2: Cross-Chamber Eligibility

If a person is restricted from seeking re-election or appointment in one chamber (either the Senate or the House of Representatives) due to the term limits outlined in Section 1, they may seek election or appointment to the chamber for which they are not restricted.

Section 3: Applicability to Sitting Members of Congress

This amendment shall apply to all sitting members of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives at the time of its ratification.

Section 4: Adjustments for Term Length

If the number of years for a term in the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives is adjusted through the amendment process, the term limits outlined in Section 1 shall be adjusted accordingly to maintain consistency with the new term length.

Section 5: Representation for U.S. Territories

Each United States territory, including but not limited to Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territories that may be recognized as such by the United States government, shall be entitled to send one non-voting delegate to the United States Senate and one non-voting delegate to the United States House of Representatives.

In the event of a tie vote in the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives, the delegates from United States territories will have their votes counted before any other proceedings or measures are considered.

Section 6: Term Limits for Territorial Delegates

The delegates from United States territories to the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives shall be subject to the same term limits as outlined in Section 1 for members of Congress.

Section 7: Ratification

This amendment shall become part of the Constitution of the United States when ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or conventions thereof, as provided in Article V of the Constitution.

This amendment shall have no sunset clause and shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Once ratified by a state, said state may not revoke their ratification.